Radlje ob Dravi

Hiša Mariborska 1

(EŠD 8146)

Pogled na trg Mahrenberg med leti 1920 in 1930, na levi strani nekdanja mestna hiša in Marijino znamenje, razglednica (Vir: Koroški pokrajinski muzej, Muzej Radlje ob Dravi)
Nekdanja mestna hiša, fotografija (Vir: Mirko Kogelnik)

Nadstropno stavbo pokriva strma opečna streha. Klasicistično ulično fasado nekdanje mestne hiše – t.i. »starega rotovža« – iz prve četrtine 19. stoletja (1820) členijo triosni rizalit s trikotnim čelom (glavna fasada), slopi, pilastri in bogate okenske obrobe. Lesene bidermajerske vratnice glavnega portala so kopija prvotnih vratnic. Veža je obokana. Fasada je bila neustrezno obnovljena leta 2000.

Zgradba ima dominantno lego v trškem prostoru. Nekdanja mestna hiša je kasneje služila kot okrajno sodišče, dekanat in sodni zapor.


Radlje ob Dravi

House, 1 Mariborska Street

(HRN 8146)

The view of Mahrenberg between 1920 and 1930, with the former town hall and the Column of the Virgin Mary on the left, postcard (source: The Carinthian Regional Museum, Radlje Ob Dravi Museum)
Former town hall, photography (source: Mirko Kogelnik)

The multi-storey building is covered with a tile roofing. The classicist street façade of the former town hall – the so called “Stari Rotovž” – from the first quarter of the 19th century (1820) is divided by a triaxial side projection with triangular gable (main façade), pillars, pilasters, and rich window frames. The wooden biedermeier door wing of the main portal is a copy of the original door wing. The entrance hall is arched. In 2000, the façade was improperly renovated.

The building has a dominant position in the market town ambience. The former town hall later served as a district court, dean’s office, and a court prison.