Radlje ob Dravi

Kozolec ob Maistrovi ulici

(EŠD 8191)

Foto: Občina Radlje ob Dravi

Ob robu Radeljskega polja stoji poslednji toplar ali dvojni kozolec, nekoč izjemno pomembna gospodarska stavba za sušenje in hrambo pridelkov ter živinske krme. Kozolec s štirimi pari oken odlikuje lesena, tesana konstrukcija ter likovno oblikovani stavbni elementi. Stavba, ki ni datirana, je najverjetneje iz konca 19. stoletja.


Radlje ob Dravi

Hayrack at Maistrova Street

(HRN 8191)

Photo: Občina Radlje ob Dravi

At the edge of the Radlje Field stands the “last hayrack” or a double hayrack, which was once an extremely important agricultural building for drying and storage of crops and animal feed. The hayrack with four pairs of windows is distinguished by a wooden and squared design and artistically designed structural elements. The building, which is not dated, probably originates from the end of the 19th century.