Radlje ob Dravi

Dvorec Mahrenberg

(EŠD 4824)

Johannes Clobucciarich: Pogled na zgornji in spodnji grad Mahrenberg, 1601–1605, risba
G. M. Vischer: Topographia Ducatus Stiriae, Mahrenberg, 1681, bakrorez; v ospredju samostan dominikank, v ozadju marenberški grad, trg, Kalvarija in dvorec
Dvorec Mahrenberg, fotografija iz leta 1902.

Konec 17. stoletja, ko je propadel stari grad na hribu Kamen, so v dolini iz nekdanje grajske pristave uredili t.i. Spodnji grad, danes dvorec Mahrenberg.

Danes je dvorec dvonadstropna stavba v obliki črke L, ki jo pokriva opečna dvokapna streha. Arhitektonski členi so predelani, ohranjene so pritlične arkade v severnem traktu. V stavbo vodi renesančen portal iz peščenjaka iz leta 1666, ki je bil verjetno pred II. svetovno vojno ali po njej prenešen iz radeljskega samostana (z grboma gospodov Mahrenberških in opatinje samostana dominikank Marije Ivane Linzer).

Na upodobitvi J. Clobucciaricha iz začetka 17. stoletja (1601/5) je današnji dvorec prikazan kot dvo- in trinadstropna stavba s podkvasto zasnovo. Na Vischerjevi upodobitvi iz leta 1681 pa je dvorec dvonadstropna stavba, pokrita z dvokapno streho. Sestavljajo jo trakti, ki oklepajo notranje dvorišče. V franciscejskem katastru iz leta 1825 je v tlorisni zasnovi dvorec upodobljen kot objekt s podkvasto zasnovo, ki jo sestavljajo severni, vzhodni in zahodni trakt. Kompleks je obdajal grajski park.

Stavbo obdaja angleški park, ki je bil zasnovan v 19. stoletju. Rastlinski fond obsega med drugim štiri vrste jelke, duglazijo, klek, rdeči hrast, platano, krvavo bukev, tiso, zeleni bor, dob, rdeči bor … Kasnejši drevesni fond je bil sajen brez ustreznega koncepta. V parku je tudi fontana, vodnjak okrogle oblike. V sredi je okrogel steber s štirimi izviri vode v obliki ribjih glav. Na stebru stoji kip dečka z ribo v rokah.


Radlje ob Dravi

Mahrenberg Manor House

(HRN 4824)

Johannes Clobucciarich: The view of the upper and lower Mahrenberg castle, 1601–1605, drawing
G. M. Vischer: Topographia Ducatus Stiriae, Mahrenberg, 1681, Dominican Monastery in the foreground and the Mahrenberg Castle, market town, Kalvarija and manor house in the background
The Mahrenberg Manor House, photography from 1902.

At the end of the 17th century when the old castle on the Kamen hill was ruined, the so called Lower Castle, today’s Mahrenberg Manor House, was rebuilt from an old castle farm.

Today, the manor house is a two-storey L-shaped building covered with a double-eaved tile roofing. Its architectural elements were reshaped and ground floor arcades in the northern wing were preserved. The sandstone Renaissance portal from the 1666 presents the entrance into the building. The portal was probably before or after World War II transferred from the Radlje ob Dravi Monastery (with two coats of arms of the Mahrenberg Lords and the abbess of the Dominican Monastery – Marija Ivana Linzer).

In the depiction by J. Clobucciarich from the beginning of the 17th century (1601/5) the today’s manor house is presented as a two- and a three-storey building with a horseshoe scheme. In the Vischer’s depiction from the year 1681, the manor house is a two-storey building covered with a double-eaved roof. It consists of wings surrounding the inner courtyard. In the Franciscean cadastre from the year 1825, the floor plan of the manor house is shaped as a horseshoe consisting of the northern, eastern and western wings. The facility was surrounded by the manor house park.

The building is surrounded by an English garden designed in the 19th century. The plant collection includes four types of fir tree, douglas fir, western red cedar, red oak, sycamore, copper beech, yew tree, green pine, pedunculate oak, red pine, etc. The subsequent collection was planted without any suitable concept. The park has a fountain, a round-shaped well. There is a round pillar in the middle of it with four springs of water in the form of a fish head. There is a statue of a boy with a fish in his hands on the top of the pillar.