Radlje ob Dravi


(EŠD 596)

Foto: Edi Korat

Rosenhof ali »Rožni dvor«, ki je lociran v samem trškem jedru, izvira najverjetneje iz 16. stoletja. Stanovanjski objekt odlikujejo arhitekturni detajli iz začetka 17. stoletja, še zlasti so iz tega obdobja pomembni leseni tramovni stropovi v nadstropju. Datiran, kamnit hišni portal z lesenimi vratnicami ni originalen, temveč je bil v prvem desetletju 21. stoletja kot tuj element naknadno vgrajen.

Posebno vrednoto dvora predstavlja iz kamna zidano gospodarsko poslopje s strmo skodlasto streho in obokanim pritličjem. Značilni kamnit okenski okvir, posnet na ajdovo zrno, uvršča osnovo stavbe v pozno gotiko.


Radlje ob Dravi


(HRN 596)

Photo: Edi Korat

Rosenhof or the “Rose Manor House”, located in the very heart of the square, most likely originates from the 16th century. The residential building is distinguished by architectural details from the early 17th century; particularly important elements from this period are wooden beamed ceilings in the first floor. The dated stone house portal with wooden wing is not an original piece but was mounted in the first decade of the 21st century as a retrofitting foreign element.

The special value of the manor house is the administrative building built of stone with a steep shingled roof and arched ground floor. The typical stone window frame, with edges cut as buckwheat grain, puts the foundation of the building in late Gothic style.